
Meditation provides the perfect opportunity to experience clarity, wellbeing and calm in the midst of a busy lifestyle.

Meditation allows us to deepen our connection with Source-with the All That Is-Divine Intelligence or however we understand it and helps build our internal energy, life-force-our prana. It helps foster deep concentration and contemplation, spiritual growth and a higher state of consciousness. It can also allow us to develop compassion, love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness#.

 With continued practice, we develop a single-pointed focus on what we choose to meditate on so that we can immerse ourselves more fully, allowing for transformations mentally, emotionally and energetically.

Meditation as a practice allows us to let go of stress, anxiety and tension.

Using simple but effective meditation techniques, participants are guided into ever deeper levels of stillness.

Meditation techniques include breathing meditation, visualisation, crystal meditation, qualities we wish to imbibe#, mantra repetition and working with chakras.

© Calma Lifestyle